Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Dad and I had a LooOOOooNG heart-to-heart talk yesterday night till late. What started off as a heated argument turned out to be me learning a lot of valuable lessons from my old man:) I didn't know that my dad would be so wise because he doesn't act his age at all, all the time. ahaha:p

My dad is the type of person whom one can joke around with, play hide and seek and do all sorts of nonsense. But when it comes to the discipline of his children, he is a no nonsense person. His favourite phrase is “cut the crap!” So you can imagine when we did wrong things in the past it was a “beat first, talk later” kind of environment. However, for the past years he has changed tremendously. I can’t count the number of times he forced himself to sit down and listen to our explanations of why we behaved in this manner or that and etc. Ahahhaa:p A lot of my friends think that my dad is difficult to live with but I think I am the one who is more difficult to live with ahaha:p

It has been a long time since we talked like that and it felt good (: I was able to vomit out everything I wanted to say though it got quite upsetting at that certain point in time because tension was rising (and I was pretty scared of my dad flaring up:s). Everything bothering me was out of my chest, I feel so light and free:D Heehee:p I feel I can breathe better now because we cleared up a lot of misunderstandings between us and he shared what was on his mind.

These late night sessions are much needed for me. Ahaha:p Seriously speaking, I’m someone who assumes a lot and broods over matters for days and nights till it is resolved. I felt a sense of relief as I poured everything out to my father last night(: Those things were kept in my heart for too long already. I needed a channel to get it out and yesterday’s session was the perfect timing to get all those things off my heart(: I wonder how long will it be before I get to talk to dad like that again..........................


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