Monday, January 28, 2008
Random Ramblings
Woke up at 5plus am to do my e lit tutorial. Everything seemed so quiet like I was all alone in this world. Looking out the window, I realised that actually many people are already up and about. From my window, I can see across to about 6 blocks of flats. Some lights in the houses were already lit and dark figures were moving about. Sometimes, I feel really comforted to know that while here I am fretting about tutorials, someone on the other side is also doing the same. Haha:p Then again, I’m still alone because everybody else is minding their own business. The person across the block doesn’t know me (doesn’t even realise I’m scrutinizing their every movement) and I don’t know them too. Nevertheless, I do feel a certain connection with these people. I don’t really know why actually.
Now I see people living in the opposite rushing down the stairs (probably for work). I saw a mother opening the gate – a girl, with all her hair tied up neatly, clad in a neatly ironed uniform, walking out of the house and down the stairs (probably headed to school). They all live on different levels. It is so interesting seeing them walking down the stairs. They probably do not realise that there’s another person walking down the same stairs on a different level above them or below them. Sometimes their speeds are the same; sometimes one is faster than the other so that eventually they meet midway through climbing down. Do they stop to chat? Do they greet each other? I don’t know... me from the opposite block could see everything so clearly and yet couldn’t very much see everything so clearly (how ironical!)
Oh! Is that a blackout? The corridor lights suddenly went out like all the bulbs exploded... nah.. it’s just the automatic switch off because it’s 7am.. WAIT.. 7 AM????? Oh no!! I haven’t even started on my tutorial! DARN!
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