Monday, February 23, 2009

that is jw for you haha

I really admire people with such incoherent coherence.. really (no sarcasm intended) haha i mean for example people in the lit modules i take.. they are jus A M A Z I N G! seriously, i don't really understand some of the things (ok i admit most of the things) they are talking about but somehow deep inside me i know they do make sense. I just need more time to consolidate and make sense of what they said. When i do, i realise that the things they say are actually pretty easy to understand, just that at that point in time i just can't process all that information in time.

Presentation for me is the worse. cos i get so nervous i totally don't know what i'm talking about and i just ramble off whatever is written on my paper. and if you ask me some damn question about what i just presented.. sorry i won't know how to answer. i know.. like: WHAT IS IT WITH ME? haha i know i'm weird. i swear i completely understand and know and prepare my presentations but... 'blank-out' happens.. and for some reason, somebody always pops out to help me in my answering (Thank God!) haha For instance, last psychoanalysis presentation, the lecturer defended my point when some random guy (stella and anita is gg to kill me for calling him random haha) argued against my point! and the only thing i could do was nod in agreement (smart move ey?)

hahaha i'm better in small groups though (with people i know). next presentation's lit again.. damn:\ please no qns for me


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL haha nope i won't kill you, just bash you up! ;) *kidding!*

chill girl! :) we'll jiayou together k! :) *hug*

ps: i'll send you our drafted milton crap like later, by afternoon hor. :) i'm going to fret over Pamela now - arghh! :/

11:12 AM 

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